Self-driven, quick starter, passionate programmer with a curious mind who enjoys solving a complex and challenging real-world problems.


Hello, I'm Mordecai Etukudo, a dedicated software engineer specializing in back-end development. Currently, I'm both a student and an enthusiastic learner eager to expand my skills and contribute to innovative projects. I'm thrilled to connect with like-minded professionals and organizations. I bring a strong foundation in back-end technologies, with expertise in Python,FastApi, Django, Flask, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, HTML5, CSS, Rust, and C++. Over 3 years of professional experience, I've fine-tuned my abilities, particularly in Python, Flask, and Django, through real-world application development. Currently, I'm delving into Rust and blockchain , eager to explore its unique features and enhance my problem-solving capabilities further. Let's connect and explore opportunities to collaborate and grow together.

  • Languages: Python,Rust, PHP, C, C++, HTML/CSS, Bash,
  • Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, NOSQL
  • Libraries: Pandas, OpenCV,
  • Frameworks: Flask, Django, FastApi,Bootstrap, Nginx, axum, rocket
  • Tools & Technologies: Git, Docker, AWS, GCP,Azure , JIRA

Looking for an opportunity to work in a challenging position combining my skills in Software Engineering, which provides professional development, interesting experiences and personal growth.


Fellowship Member
  • Spearheaded the adoption of Rust programming language within African universities, fostering a collaborative environment and increasing engagement by 60%. https://rustafrica.org/
  • Conducted workshops and training sessions to promote Rust, enhancing Rust skills among students and educators, resulting in a 80% increase in Rust adoption.
  • Collaborated with university systems to integrate Rust into their curriculum, driving innovation and expanding the developer community.
  • Tools: Rust, leadership , community building
sept 2024 |Dover, DE 19901 USA · Remote
Software Engineer
  • Developed and managed the backend of Fira platform using django,PostgreSQL,Docker and Azure .
  • Worked on three web applications targeting customers, selling vendors, and admin users; RESTful APIs with functionalities such as login/sign up, view a product, add a product to cart, checkout the order, etc.
  • Improved the response time by 20% by refactoring the codebase and changing database design and queries.
  • Added a bulk upload feature which reduced the manual work of adding products into a database.
  • Tools: Python, django, PostgreSQL
Dec 2023 - Feb 2024 |Orlando, Florida, United States · Remote
Programmer/techical writer (open soucre)
  • Propose the creation of video documentation for easy user accessibility. This boosts usage by 60%. Build and implement the use of major functionality.
  • build the documentation sites with others team mate https://www.deepwisdom.ai/
  • Translate Chinese into English for easy comprehension by developers who are not familiar with Chinese.
  • Tools: Python, vue , markdown
Jun 2023 - Nov 2023 |Shanghai, China · Remote
Student expert leader
  • promote API literacy among student Lead a workshop, training session, or event to teach Postman. Use Postman resources and recommended practices to help people learn API skills in your community, school, or at an official Postman event.
  • build scable API API testing and decumentation
  • Tools: Python, Postman, FastApi, express, openApi
Nov 2023 - Present | New York, New York, United States · Remote
Technical Writer
  • create content that impact life on the web3 platform|| weekly publication
  • Write articles on various topics such as web3, blockchain, and cryptocurrency.
  • Tools: markdown, google docs, github
Jun 2022 - Aug 2023 | Remote


music streaming app
Wiatlist Api

A waitlist api based on Django and django rest framework

  • Tools: Django,DRF,PostgreSQL,Docker,Git,Azure
  • create costumize waitlist email send to new users
  • have a data base on new user awaiting new product
  • send a mail to user once product is lunch
  • integration to web,mobile and desktop app
quiz app
Bible Bot

An automated bible bot that send daily bible verse to user build with python.

  • Tools: Python, Twitter-Api,Azure,Docker,Meta Ai api
  • Generate daily bible verse, explantion and prayer point. using AI
  • Post daily to twitter this process is automated
Screenshot of web app
ChatGpt(Google Gemini)

A chatGpt clone of the using the google gemini api to generate text

  • Tools: Python, Gemini api, Streamlit, Streamlit cloud
  • answer any question using the generative ai data of gemini
  • natural Languages processing
  • solve coding execrise
Screenshot of  web app
Rust learning execrise

A resources for having hand on rust programming language programming experience with coding execrise

  • coding execrise from noivce to intermidate Rust
  • solution to execrise that guide user on what to do.


Languages and Databases

Shell Scripting




Technical Writing


University of Benin

Edo, Nigeria

Degree: Marine Engineering
Satus: in progress

    Relevant Courseworks:

    • Foundation of python
    • Naval design
    • Engineering mathematics and logic

Center for Maritime Studies and ICT, University of Benin


Degree: Dipoloma in Maritime Studies and ICT

    Relevant Courseworks:

    • Data Structures and Algorithms
    • Database Management Systems
    • Operating Systems
    • maritime laws
